Our Services


Assist - Life Stage, Transition

We accompany people through life transitions, ensuring they participate actively in their communities. We manage strengthening relationships with larger support networks and to provide clarity and advice. With a major focus on fostering thriving home environments and community participation ensure the effective coordination of these support networks.


From facilitating connections to addressing housing obligations and skill development, we offer tailored assistance. Transitioning into employment is pivotal, and our team provides personalized support, including skill enhancement, interview readiness, and goal setting, empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives.

Assist - Personal Activities

The support for personal activities for eligible NDIS participants is another major segment in Serene Steps Care. We carefully take care of their essential tasks of daily living. Personal hygiene, grooming, household chores, meal preparation and serving, gardening, and laundry are performed at the finest level.

We have a dedicated crew of well-trained experts to work in diverse contexts. No matter whether you live independently or in a family, we are here to help. We are masters at handling daily essentials, translating medical prescriptions, and using medical aids, everything regarding custom preferences. Whether you’re pursuing an education, finding work, or having fun, we can guide every step of yours.

Assist - travel/transport

Our participants will be trained and guided to travel independently using public transport. With this, we try to enhance confidence and self-esteem. The participants who cannot travel independently will be provided with the necessary personalized transport modes.


We ultimately focus on making them feel independent and self-reliable by improving their confidence level. This drastically eases their mind and creates happiness for themselves.

Community Nursing Care

We are also active in Community Nursing Care which can be completely personalized as per your circumstances. This ensemble includes all necessary nursing care such as wound care, medication management, frequent health assessments and many more.


We are highly focused on personal development, resilience, and even basic life skills that are too finely suited for you. Both occasional care, as well as dedicated support, can be preferred as per your comfort and convenience. We love taking up your healthcare essentials, thereby maintaining optimal health and boosting the overall quality of life.

Daily Tasks/ Shared Living

We are committed to empower you to be independent in your home and handle the daily tasks while receiving the necessary support. We, together, will work to achieve the dream of independent living. Our expertise in Supported Independent Living (SIL) has aided countless people to accomplish this.

If moving out of your family becomes necessary, never get concerned about being uncomfortable. We can ensure you with a smooth and easy transition to the new living environment. Our team will assist you with everything from household to social linking.

Development - life skills

Careful development is crucial for life skills, behavioural skills, and daily living management. We give you all the essential care necessary for these major cases of every individual. This also aids in boosting self-confidence and improving community knowledge.


Public transport training and support, developing skills for community and social and recreational participation are important aspects of enhancing basic life skills. This, in turn, enables you to take care of personal hygiene, bill paying, money handling, household tasks, time management and problem-solving.

Household Tasks

Clean surroundings are highly important for healthy and happy living. A clean home is the primary aspect of this. But cleaning, laundry, preparing meals, and washing the dishes are all daily chores and consume a lot of our time. Moreover, these require proper support if the person has any disabilities.


Our team for household tasks takes over all these hectic cores and makes sure you are in a clean and safe place to live. They are also compassionate about being with you as support and assistance if you are more interested in getting this work done independently.

Group/Centre Activities

Being a part of a group means a lot in your social habitat. No doubt that group interactions and discussions help you attain new perspectives. This extensively improves your social outlook and, of course, makes you socially active.

We have numerous plans to engage you with such interesting moments that happen to be a fun place to talk, laugh, and interact. You will share your experiences, build many good friendships, and yes, develop the skills in you.